How to install an add-on disc | BT Whole Home Wi-Fi - YouTube

Mar 05, 2018 Get wireless Internet | Find wi-fi hotspots | BT Wi-Fi Click the wireless icon at the top right of the screen and select BTWi-fi or _BTWi-fi from the drop-down menu. A BT Wi-Fi window will appear. If it doesn't, type '' into your browser's address bar. If you've a BT Wi-fi subscription or voucher, login with your username and password. BT Smart Hub settings - make your router faster and less Jul 04, 2016 Complete Wi-Fi: How to pair your Wi-Fi Disc with your - BT

How to set up BT Smart Hub Router - YouTube

How do I change the wi-fi channel on my BT Hub | BT Help

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BT Smart Hub settings - make your router faster and less Jul 04, 2016 Complete Wi-Fi: How to pair your Wi-Fi Disc with your - BT Complete Wi-Fi is new for BT Plus customers. It uses wi-fi discs to extend your BT Hub's signal, guaranteeing you wall-to-wall coverage. Here's how to pair your wi-fi disc with your BT Smart Hub.