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关于WIN10 edge浏览器报错 找不到DNS地址 错误 … 2018-3-14 · 一直使用WIN10自带的edge浏览器,感觉习惯了挺好用的,突然这两天变得特别慢,然后直接网页都刷不开了,在网上找了很久原因,没有一个比较好的解决办法,无意间在一次网页没刷开的时候注意到网页下面的错误报告,查过之后才知道原因出在 使用ipconfig查看及刷新网络配置 ipconfig 能为DNS和WINS服务器显示它已配置且所有使用的附加信息,并且能够显示内置于本地网卡中的物理地址(MAC)。如果IP地址是从DHCP服务器租用的,ipconfig将显示DHCP服务器分配的IP地址和租用地址预计失效的日期。 Windows IP Commands - ipconfig-nslookup-netstat-tracert 2020-7-17 · ipconfig /renew6 : Same as above but for the IPv6 address. ipconfig /flushdns : This deletes the local DNS resolver cache of the computer. This cache stores DNS entries of frequently accessed internet resources so that the computer will not query an external DNS server every time you try to access an internet resource (website etc).

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The above step will open the command prompt window. You should type "ipconfig /flushdns" (without the quotes) and press enter. This will flush the dns cache from your computer and the next time you try to access the website, it will fetch fresh information.

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使用ipconfig查看及刷新网络配置 ipconfig 能为DNS和WINS服务器显示它已配置且所有使用的附加信息,并且能够显示内置于本地网卡中的物理地址(MAC)。如果IP地址是从DHCP服务器租用的,ipconfig将显示DHCP服务器分配的IP地址和租用地址预计失效的日期。 Windows IP Commands - ipconfig-nslookup-netstat-tracert 2020-7-17 · ipconfig /renew6 : Same as above but for the IPv6 address. ipconfig /flushdns : This deletes the local DNS resolver cache of the computer. This cache stores DNS entries of frequently accessed internet resources so that the computer will not query an external DNS server every time you try to access an internet resource (website etc). Fix Network & Internet Connection Using IPCONFIG - Tech Fry 2020-7-20 · ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew. Save it as iprenew.bat file (you can give other name also). Reset You DNS Cache. Sometimes internet connection problems can also be traced to a corrupted DNS cache. Resetting or Flushing this cache is an easy fix to many of these problems. You can use following for the same: ipconfig /flushdns VirtualBox上安装CentOS7 - 知乎